The rite of a dream
In 1981, Jorge Guillen, an accomplished Venezuelan classical musician, made news with his dream of broadcasting healing music throughout the airwaves of Frequency Modulation (FM) radio, the most advanced broadcasting technology then. It was a costly proposition requiring a solid infrastructure and many government regulations.
Guillen funded Proyecto Alfa among a group of professionals, including medical doctors, to promote the holistic applications of music and sounds. The enthusiastic team managed to launch the commercial release of "Relajacion Muscular" (Muscular Relaxation), an analog audio tape (Cassette) featuring the principles of Audioterapia Perceptiva (Perceptual Audio Therapy). The general public initially accepted the product with a certain degree of skepticism, to later praise Proyecto Alfa as a reliable healing alternative.
"Relajacion Muscular" ained unexpected popularity among users, and the program was distributed in pharmacies, medical supply retailers, and bookstores. Local newspapers showed great interest in the project.
The proposition was still a very ambitious project in a country characterized by solid and traditional religious ties. In consequence, alternative healing methods were seen by many as insipid intentions to cure the mind and body.
The dream of broadcasting music using airwaves shifted to reliable and affordable technology with the advent of the internet. A lot has changed since 1981, but the passion still carries the mission of delivering healing sounds and music, but now to a worldwide audience!
It is always refreshing to know that dreams might take years or even decades to materialize, but they unquestionably come true when driven by an inexhaustible passion. Healingnoise Radio is our reality today as we share the joy of healing with sounds, music, and noise. We make it sound good!